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Tomb Raider Underworld

Tomb Raider Underworld Coastal Thailand: Bhogavati (part 4) Visual Walkthrough

Coastal Thailand - Bhogavati

Tomb Raider Underworld - Visual Walkthrough

Continue forward, balancing, jumping, and so on.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Here we are.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Grapple and pull down that grapple-point/horizontal pillar.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Get down.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Go on the opposite wall from where you came down and grapple up.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Put the cage near the balancing statue.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Then go up the stairs, and climb on its hand.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

It will go down and also pull down the giant statue's hand.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Go down fast, and put the cage under its scale (see image below).

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Go to the lowered arm and put the stone.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Kill some more lizards, and get on the other side.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Jump on the scale of the other statue which does not have a timer. Put the stone on the other arm.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Next you just need to drop down and position the two statues in the places marked by the light. Make sure the mirrors are facing OUTSIDE the ring - use the middle path to switch their positions if you need.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

When they are both in the right position the middle diamond will shine and a secret entrance will open below Shiva.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

Head through the newly opened entrance and you're off to the next level.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand Bhogavati screenshot

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