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Tomb Raider Underworld

Tomb Raider Underworld Coastal Thailand: Remnants (part 3) Visual Walkthrough

Coastal Thailand - Remnants

Tomb Raider Underworld - Visual Walkthrough

Time to kill some tigers now. Fun fun fun. Finish them quick and continue with the serious stuff.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants tigers screenshot

You'll find a jar with an artifact nearby.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants artifact jar screenshot

Time for some .. even more climbing.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants rock climb screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants bar balance screenshot

After a bit of jumping, you'll need to show your chimney climbing skills .. again to get to an upper ledge.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants chimney climb screenshot

The goal is to get on top of the rock pillars.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants rock pillars top screenshot

When you get all the way to the top you can go on 3 ways: to the right you'll find an artifact, to the left to get to a health pack and in the middle the path to continue the level. You should go on each of them.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants fork screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants right artifact screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants left health pack screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants center continue screenshot

Hold onto the ledge and get to the clearing, some tigers are waiting to play with you.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants ledge grab screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants tiger slaughter screenshot

When you're done playing with the kitties get inside the ruined temple.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants ruined path screenshot

You guessed it ... time for even more jumping, while some bats and spiders are bugging you. Fun.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants ruined path jump screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants ledge path screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants ledge jump screenshot

Not much to say here, just follow the arrows in the images and ... look for the nearest ledge. Remember that you can also raise up and stand on those metal bars, you DO need to do that for some jumps.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants screenshot

Pick up the artifact in the right alcove and continue to the left, you almost got to the end of the level.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants screenshot

Follow the final jumping frenzy path .. and you've finally finished this level. Enjoy the cinematic.

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants screenshot

Tomb Raider Underworld walkthrough Coastal Thailand - Remnants Shiva cinematic screenshot

« Remnants (part 2) | Bhogavati »